Ponce Suites in Davao City (Philippines) is a cozy little nook for art aficionados and budget travelers. Che Fiel, a journalist from davaotoday.com recommended the place located in the downtown but serene Doña Vicenta Village II in Bajada district. Since I was in Davao two days earlier for the safety and alerts reporting training in Waterfront Insular Hotel, I had to look for an affordable place while exploring the quaint city of durian. Ponce Suites' design was eccentric and a mix and match of different medium of artworks made by the owner's artist son Kublai Millan. From as far as 20 meters, artworks outside the four-storey building were already towering. I knew I was in Davao upon seeing a giant durian sculpture with finely crafted images of women dreaming inside. Add to that a Philippine eagle sculpture engulfing the full façade of the building. It was a dreamland of mythological creatures that created waves of different stages of being - "soulmates back to b...
Welcome to my site. A bit about myself. I’m a professional journalist, academic researcher, and editor with more than two decades of experience in multimedia work. I'm also a serious photography hobbyist whose interests range from travel to portrait images. I hope you enjoy reading my stories and looking at the photos I have taken while jogging, walking around cities and villages or just when I'm gardening. :)